Friday, April 22, 2011

The S Fall Family Photos

The S family had me do some pictures of their youngest daughter and their grandkids.  They turned out great and are some of my favorites to date. 

The E twins for their 5th Birthday

These two are so cute and love having fun, here are a couple that were taken for their 5th birthday.

S's 9th Grade Photo's

I have just a few of S's 9th grade photos, she is so photogenic and is so easy to work with.  Thanks S for being such a great subject!! The first few have her nephew as well, cute little boy, I will be posting his photos in the following days.

K's 1 month

Here are a few of K's 1 month photos, such a little doll.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Up Next....

I have Alexander's 6 month photos as well as Ryker's 4 year pictures all in the next week, it's been busy but completely wonderful.

K's 6 month photos

 Sweet little K had her 6 month photos last week.  She was such a cutie, so sweet and happy and so easy to photograph, in her 60 minute session we got 25 great photos.  Her are a few...